
Wednesday 21 March 2012

Spring Equinox

Yesterday, 20 March, was a holiday. It was the Spring Equinox, a Buddhist holiday, when people go to the family graves. Last year no one could go as there was no petrol so it was good to see everything back to normal.

In this area there were no flowers at this time of year so people used to make them. They're made out of shaven wood and dyed bright yellow, green, pink and purple. People write their names on them and leave them at graves they've visited -  a very pretty calling card.
Bye for now,
Still cold here

The Kaneko family grave

A 'higanbana' calling card

春分の日   shunbun no hi    The Spring Equinox
彼岸 higan    Equinox (either spring or autumn)
彼岸花 higanbana   Spider Lily (lit. Equinox flower)
お墓   o-haka   grave
お墓参り  o-haka-mairi   going to visit the grave(s)

1 comment:

  1. Please share on your wall and with friends!
    "I would like to fund raise to finish this movie for release so I can start a fund to help people in fukushima affected by radiation and buy materials for people to rebuild who cannot afford it. It got really great reviews at SFU Vancouver! It has also been featured in CBC canada news channel.

    You can support this project by placing pre-order for DVD, also we have the option for people or businesses or organizations to pledge their support and we will place their name in the credits of the movie!

    The reason to make the movie is so people have better understanding of what happened and sale of movie is a big business which can generate a lot of funds to help with our projects, but we need your help so we can get the movie to film company to make it available to the world.

    Can you please share this with your friends? If we all share it with our friends, it will reach many!

    Thank you
    Chris Noland
