
Sunday 19 May 2013


Another lovely day and this time I headed a few miles south to the town of Sukagawa which is famous for its Peony Garden (須賀川牡丹園 Sukagawa Botan'en). This is a garden on a grand scale, 10 hectares (that's 25 acres) of mature trees, ponds, and flowers throughout the seasons. But the main attraction is the peony and according to the guidebook there are 7,000 plants in 290 varieties. The peony, known as the 'rose of the Orient' is a showstopper but the garden goes back a long way. It was started in 1766 as a medicinal garden for the roots of the peony were used as a medicine. Whatever. It's a nice place for a day out and the car parks were full.

Wysteria for shade

This zelkhova (keyaki) is hundreds of years old.
Can you see the two bamboo shoots growing up near the base of the trunk?

Less flamboyant, these plants are 150 years old and the original  medicinal  plants.

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